Are your cabinets showing wear or are you tired of seeing the same oak on wood doors? You can refinish them with a little time and effort. Maybe you have been watching YouTube videos on how to do it, but the following are steps that Bruce takes to transform cabinets and doors.

What You'll Need
120 and 220 Grit No Load Sand Paper
Holder for sand paper
Contoured Flexible Sanding Pad
Denatured Alcohol
Krud Kutter Gloss-Off
Zinsser/Rustoleum Smart Prime
2 Whizz 3/8” nap Micro Fiber nap mini roller- 4” width or Wooster 5/16” Microplush
Alpha 2-1/2 Brush
Rags and sponge
Benjamin Moore Advance Paint- Satin or Semi-Gloss
Extender Brush Bucket
Crawford Spackle (for oak cabinets)
Step 1. Set up a work space where you can sand and paint. If you are planning to save and use the old hinges, keep them with their doors. The newer models may be left on. If they are hidden, they can be covered in taped on the back side. Number the doors so you know where they came from.
Step 2. Using the 120-grit sand paper, sand the doors. If the surface has raised panels you will need to use the contoured, flexible sanding pad to get closer. Flip and do the back side. Sand the cabinet frame.
Step 3. Having cleaned up the sanding mess, use a damp cloth to wipe down the doors. Next, dip a rag into denatured alcohol. Wipe all dust and oil off. Do one final wipe with Gloss-off, leaving a thin film on everything again. Approximately 10 min. later, rinse with damp rag. Let it air dry.
Step 4. First coat of primer. We recommend the Smart Prime, the Whizz mini roller, and the Alpha brush. Roll the face of the door first, followed by using the brush to do the edges and any primer that may have dripped over the edges. Let dry. When dry to the touch- approximately 1 hour- turn over and prime the back side using the same process. When dry, sand lightly using the 220-grit sandpaper. Wipe down with a damp sponge or cloth. Prime the cabinet frame. Repeat with a second coat of Smart Prime using the same process.
Step 5. Finish Coat. Using the Advance Satin or Semi-Gloss paint, you are ready to do the final step. Use a new mini roller and follow the same process as applying the primer. You may use the 2-1/2 brush to lightly brush over the roller marks to get a smoother finish. You only have a few seconds to level off the roller. If you miss a spot, don't go back. It will be fixed by the second coat. Paint the cabinet frame.
Step 6. Repeat step 5. Paint the cabinet frame. If the grain of the oak doors is fairly deep, use the Crawford Spackle. Apply two thin coats over the entire door sanding between the coats with 120 or 220 grit sand paper.
Step 7. When fully dry, rehang cabinet doors. Enjoy!!
Bruce at Struve's